Who We Are
Oladipo Raji Foundation is an humanitarian organisation founded to provide succor and hope to the hopeless in the society. We came into being to empower the younger generation to achieve their full potentials in life through access to light. Light as we know is the cure for darkness and the power we require to succeed in life. It is also the greatest asset of any man on earth as there cannot be any meaningful progress in life without light. We walk in by light and in light to progress in life
Access to knowledge is access to light and that is what delivers the liberation of a people for it shows the people the potential they carry and how they can actualize it. When a people are denied the right to adequate knowledge they leave in the dark and lose a sense of worth for their life making it impossible for them to reach their full potential in life. This is the societal problem that this foundation is born to solve. Hence, we exist to give eyes to the blind, feet to the lame and hope for the hopeless. We achieve this goal by providing access to our young people to develop their intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual capabilities through formal education.